Helping you find balance when you need it most.
Complementary holistic treatments to support your wellbeing in Wimbledon, New Malden, Raynes Park and SW London by Emma.
Post Natal Workout & Baby Reflexology/Massage Workshop
Me& Baby - This is the perfect class to have something for ‘me and baby’, with a balance of mental wellbeing and physical development for both you and your little one. 30 minutes with a postnatal exercise specialist, supporting your body in its post birth recovery, followed by 30 minutes with a baby reflexology and massage expert, providing you with techniques to support your little ones early discomforts.
Hand Reflexology for children
Entertain your children with poems about Tilly, Felix, Sammy and William. All here to help your child with their digestive system, immunity, sleep and anxiety. A step by step hand reflexology guide for you to do on your child, whilst you enjoy the poem and sing them a song. How to video included with every downloaded PDF. Easy steps for older children to do on themselves.
Me&Baby Workout / Workshop
Baby Workshop
Foot Reflexology
Corporate Treatments
Pregnancy & Natural Labour
Fertility Reflexology
Indian Head Massage
Mama & Baby Reflexology
Hand Reflexology
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