World Poetry Day

To celebrate World Poetry Day on Monday 21st March, I wrote a poem about all the little things that make me feel good, make me happy and ultimately support my wellbeing.

The sun gleaming through the windows,
A cackle from the pit of my belly.
Fresh air right to the bottom of your lungs,
Or simple crying over some telly.
Having a coffee made for me,
Freshly washed whites on the line.
Dancing around the kitchen,
Having a little bit of extra time.
Absolutely nailing the juggle,
Smashing it out the park at work.
First night in fresh sheets on the bed,
Smothering an inside joke smirk.
Watching my eldest’s kind heart,
And my youngest’s cheeky grin.
Snuggles with the furry dog,
My head, a prop for her chin.
Catching up with old friends,
Laughing over who knows what.
Having a kid free afternoon,
Then returning to my wonderful lot.
Having a good old sort out,
Getting the fence finally done.
An iced cold glass of rosé,
This all makes me feel like I’ve won!


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